Posts Tagged ‘Mirage’

Beatles LOVE & Good Bye Vegas!

While waiting to my flight back to SF, I thought I’d throw in a post! Last night my bf and I went to see the Beatles “LOVE” the show playing at the Mirage Hotel. beatles_loveIt was such a great show! I had to mention it here… Being a BIG Beatles fan I thought that they did a great job linking the “LOVE” album together. The show lasted about 1 hr 40min, we were in the second row, but I would recommend sitting up high for this show. There is so much movement going on, and it’s better to see it sitting above the stage. The costumes were fantastic and the acrobatics phenomenal! The show was interactive with the audience and frankly was the strangest show that I have even been to, but also one of the most entertaining shows as well. If you are a Beatles fan and are planning on visiting Vegas GO see this show! I want to see it again 🙂

Overall Im looking forward to coming home, I miss my little doggies! And am very excited to be picking them up from the dog sitters right when I get in. Vegas is defiantly not the same, this is when you know that the country is suffering when Vegas is DEAD! As I said its at about 50% its usual capacity, they’re letting people in to clubs for FREE and there are no lines at MIDNIGHT, that’s not a good sign….

I will be reviewing the wire-frames for and writing about them in my next post. And Im SO GRATEFUL that my bf’s poison ivy is getting better (that’s a whole new story of its own!) stay tuned!