Posts Tagged ‘Russia’

Somewhere Between Black Friday and Cyber Monday

Gobble! Gobble!


Alright… I was just consuming my Thanksgiving leftovers, and I actually think that they get better the next day and even better the day after (as long as they smell OK, they’re OK to eat! At least that’s the way I look at left overs, the only exception to that rule is fish and milk products)

This is the 1st day in the last 4 that I got back to work and am vigorously trying to catch up on everything that I missed. So far, I didn’t really miss anything that important since it was Thanksgiving and all (people were stuffing their faces and the ones who weren’t pigging out were sleeping off their hangovers and were stuck in food comas for the last few days…)


The Holidays are GREAT!

BTW, (that’s not my actual plate, I found it in Google Images… My family has WAY nicer plates than that!) I thought that the picture speaks louder than words, it’s giving me a stomach ache!

I had a nice Thanksgiving 🙂

Thanksgiving is not just 1 day, it’s more like 6 days, almost a whole week. It starts of on Wed (many people take that day off) and go out at night. MY bf and I met up with some friends at Noonans (a local BAR/RESTAURANT) and had a decent time, the place closed at 12pm! WTF!!! All the other bars had lines going out their door.. (what can you expect for Marin, it’s a family place…) I had one too many Vodka Tonics… Likely I didn’t get sick, which is not too surprising, I hardly ever get sick and have NEVER EVER had a hangover! I know…. It’s nice 🙂 I don’t know what it is, but I just don’t get them. LUCKY ME! Maybe I just haven’t gotten wasted enough to get one (however there have been a few pretty crazy nights in my life) Im not a big drinker in general, 1-3 is PLENTY for me.

Furthermore, the next day of Thanksgiving is Thursday. This is the day that you spend time with your friends and family. My bf and I went to my parents house. It was probably the best Thanksgiving dinner that my mom has ever made! My family moved to the US from Russia in 1995 and we have become accustomed to all of the American traditions over the years. But this year her Turkey was delicious (thanks to my bf’s Nick’s recepe) My parents are also BIG on sweets and tea (this was my favorite part of the dinner and STUFFING!)

Then we go into BLACK FRIDAY…


Believe it or not, this was my 1st year ever participating in this craze, technically I only shopped for 30 minutes and stood in line for 20 min (not too bad) One of my favorite stores, BEBE was having a $29 (On average priced $79 each) for ALL their TOPS sale from 8-11am, so I figured that Ill go and see if I like anything. Sure enough, I walked out of there with 6 tops and 2 pairs of earrings… What can I say, it was fun! 🙂 The thrill of it all! I think that’s why people go to all these HUGE SALES, for the THRILL and NOTHING BUT THE THRILL!

Then we have the Thanksgiving weekend, when people go out and get their X-mas trees and do some more shopping and sleeping and eating.

Finally there is the after Thanksgiving CYBER MONDAY (this is a dangerious one for me) I love on-line shopping! People sit in their cubicles and SHOP till they drop! No worries, my personal X-mas gift list is FULL and Im not going to shop for myself for a while… Im dead serious!!! STAY AWAY FROM ME CYBER MONDAY!!!

On Tusday people go back to their normal lives, till Christmas!

As far as Baseball Beauties is concerned, I made a little bit of progress. I made some good contacts and also bought some tickets for Amy and I to attend a Networking group on Wednesday in San Francisco. It’s called, Webgirrls International (a network for women who started on-line businesses) perfect for us. Ill update you how that went on Thursday.

Deographics (our web guys) have been lagging on their response time, but I am going to let it go this time. It was Thanksgiving after all! Ill see how they do when the Holiday season is done and over with.

And the “Mashable” newsletter which I read everyday, made me realize that I need to start Tweeting! So I will get on that this week.

For a closing note…


My Lily and Bebe (Doggies) wouldn’t just wait and examine the Turkey leg like that. They would snatch it and run as fast as they could!!!